Super Bowl Advertising: Style vs. Substance

Here's the scene: a swamp in the woods at night. In the distance sits a dimly lit bar.

The characters: three frogs, each sitting on a lily pad.


Frog 1 says: "Bud"

Frog 2: "Weisss"

Frog 3: "Errr"

The popular Super Bowl XXIX commercial was created for Budwesier by DMB&B/St. Louis.

The Frogs are now dead. Electrocuted by a falling neon Budweiser sign. Ironic, I know.

But what do those frogs have to do with beer?

“If there is a truth in it, it's not a truth about the product and it's not a truth even about your relationship to the product when you buy it...I think what you’re really saying is ‘I’m part of the people that get this humor.’ They want to be part of that community and the beer becomes the badge of that community. I think that’s why it works.” – Jeff Goodby of Goodby, Silverstein & Partners in "Art & Copy."

It works with Beer, the frogs that is, because Beer is a Style purchase.  

Style Purchases: What we wear, drink or eat. Style purchases are usually products, like clothing or beverages.

Style purchases include: Clothing, Accessories, All beverages, Restaurants, Electronics, Jewelry, Office supplies, Sporting Goods, Cosmetics, Department Stores...etc

Would the Frogs work for automobiles? Probably not. That's because Automobiles fall more in the Substance category than style. Or somewhere in between.

Can you imagine yourself saying something like "I need a new car, think I'll go with the BMW. Those frogs are hilarious."

Automobile ads should be of more substance. We choose an automobile based on a number of factors that are important to us. Safety, Longevity, Durability, Reliability, Brand Reputation. Style definitely plays a part, but purely style ads don't work in this category.

As you can see, not all products fit neatly into one category, style or substance. Many fall somewhere in between. But it's absolutely necessary to determine which one fits closer to your business category.

Who's doing style right? Old Spice with The Man Your Man Could Smell Like. 

Created by Wieden+Kennedy in 2010, The Man Your Man Could Smell Like is 100% style and suited perfectly for both TV and the web. The videos have built a cult-like following online. The above spot had more than 44 million views on YouTube at the time of this post. 

Dos Equis and The Most Interesting Man in the World also has style spot-on. These ads really set themselves apart from the competition. The commercials also have a large online following.

Substance Purchases: 
Who we trust with our life, family, repairs, construction, finances, education, consultation. Substance purchases are usually services, like insurance.
Other substance purchases include: Medical centers, Hospitals, Financial institutions, Insurance Agencies,  Automobiles, Travel, Construction, Counseling, Tax services, Education, Engineering, Security, Attorneys, Auto Repair, Child Care, Chiropractors, Financial Planners...etc

Who's doing substance right? Allstate. Even the taglines tell the substance story: "You're in good hands."

This ad was perfectly executed, conversational in tone and with a solid message of substance. Way to go, Allstate.

Do you own a business? If so, is your business category one of mostly style or substance? Figuring that out could save your advertising. And your advertising ROI.

When the world gathers to watch Super Bowl XLVII, put some thought into what you’re watching. Are the ads of style or of substance?

Because we are the final judge -- not the ad polls, not the ad agencies or experts -- the viewers. We decide which commercials work and which fall flat. We decide by becoming customers.

“It takes a big idea to attract the attention of consumers and get them to buy your product. Unless your advertising contains a big idea, it will pass like a ship in the night.” – David Ogilvy

Editor's Note: This post was first published on Feb. 6, 2011 on Eric's Ad Blog, the old home of